- Command line: compiler /main
- Visual Studio 2010 project properties: Application tab-> Startup Object
static int Main(string[] args)
Main() method needs to be static, static members are scoped to the class level (rather than the object level) and they can be invoked without creating a new class instance.In addition Main() method has a single parameter which happens to be an array of strings (string[] args). This parameter may contain any number of incoming command line arguments. Command line arguments can be added after *.exe file through command prompt (e.g. test.exe -arg1 -arg2) or via Debug tab of project properties (below picture)
Command line arguments |
One way to access argument is string[] args parameter of MainI() method and another using Environment.GetCommandLineArgs() which returns string[] as well however the first index identifies the name of the application itself.
Return type int is usually used for returning the error code returning the value 0 indicates the program has terminated successfully (in case of void return type the program automatically returns 0. On Windows operating system , an application's return value is stored within a system environment variable named %ERRORLEVEL%, the value is obtainable using the static System.Diagnostics.Process.ExitCode property. Here is an example of batch file to the return value for outputText.exe you need to locate the batch file in same folder as *.exe file and run the batch file :
@echo off
rem A batch file for OutputTest.exe
rem which captures the app's return value.
@if "%ERRORLEVEL%" == "0" goto success
echo outputTest has failed!
echo return value = %ERRORLEVEL%
goto end
echo outputTest has succeeded!
echo return value = %ERRORLEVEL%
goto end
echo All Done.
pause rem wait for user press any key
Main() method is implicitly private to limit other application directly invoke the entry point of another. However it may also defines as public.
Some Additional Members of the System.Environment:
Environment.GetLogicalDrives() returns an array of string include drives on the machine
Environment.OsVersion Operating System Version
Environment.ProcessorCount Number of processors
Environment.Version .NET version
Environment.MachineName Computer name
Environment.NewLine Gets the newline symbol for the current environment
Environment.StackTrace Current stack trace information for the application
Environment.Username Name of the user which starts the application
System.Console Class:
CUI ( Console User Interface ). Here is some of System.Console members:
Beep() emit a beep of specified frequency and duration (e.g Console.Beep( 500, 1000))
BackgroundColor (e.g. Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow)
BufferHeight height of the console's buffer area.
BufferWidth width of the console's buffer area.
WindowHight control the dimensions of the console in relation to the established buffer
WindowWidth control the dimensions of the console in relation to the established buffer
Formatting Console Output / string.Format():
Console.WriteLine("{3}, {0}, {2}, {1}, {0}, {0}", 0, 11, 22, 33);Output: 33, 0, 22, 11, 0, 0
Formatting Numerical Data:
Here is a collection of most common formatting options:
C (currency), D (decimal), E (exponential), F (fixed-point), G (general), N (basic numerical formatting), X (hexadecimal)
Console.WriteLine("C format: {0:C}" , 99999);
Console.WriteLine("D9 format: {0:D9}", 99999);
Console.WriteLine("F3 format: {0:F3}", 99999);
Console.WriteLine("N format: {0:N}" , 99999);
Console.WriteLine("E format: {0:E}" , 99999);
Console.WriteLine("e format: {0:e}" , 99999);
Console.WriteLine("X format: {0:X}" , 99999);
Console.WriteLine("x format: {0:x}" , 99999);
For more information refer to Standard Numeric Format Strings and Custom Numeric Format Strings
Above formatting syntax can be used when calling the static string.Format() method. Notice string.Format returns a new string object, which is formatted according to the provided flags.
String.Format Align:
- To align string to the left (spaces on the right) use formatting pattern with comma (,) followed by a negative number of characters.
- To right alignment use a positive number.
0, 1);
0, 1);
0, 1);
String alignment example output |
Data Types:
Data Type |
Types (C# Programming Guide) |
As it have been displayed in above picture all System.valueType are inherited from System.Object and they can use the functionality of parent class. Here we go through some:
Console.WriteLine("########## System.Object Functionality #########");
Console.WriteLine("33.GetHashCode() = {0}", 33.GetHashCode());
Console.WriteLine("33.Equals(23) = {0}", 33.Equals(55));
Console.WriteLine("33.ToString() = {0}", 33.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("33.GetType() = {0}", 33.GetType());
Console.WriteLine("########## Data type Functionality #########");
Console.WriteLine("Max of int: {0}", int.MaxValue);
Console.WriteLine("Min of int: {0}", int.MinValue);
Console.WriteLine("Max of double: {0}", double.MaxValue);
Console.WriteLine("Min of double: {0}", double.MinValue);
Console.WriteLine("double.Epsilon: {0}", double.Epsilon);
Console.WriteLine("double.PositiveInfinity: {0}", double.PositiveInfinity);
Console.WriteLine("double.NegativeInfinity: {0}", double.NegativeInfinity);
Console.WriteLine("bool.FalseString: {0}", bool.FalseString);
Console.WriteLine("bool.TrueString: {0}", bool.TrueString);
Console.WriteLine("########## char type Functionality ##########");
char myChar = 'A';
Console.WriteLine("char.IsDigit('A'): {0}", char.IsDigit(myChar));
Console.WriteLine("char.IsLetter('A'): {0}", char.IsLetter(myChar));
Console.WriteLine("char.IsWhiteSpace('Hello world', 4): {0}", char.IsWhiteSpace("Hello world", 4));
Console.WriteLine("char.IsWhiteSpace('Hello world', 5): {0}", char.IsWhiteSpace("Hello world", 5));
Console.WriteLine("char.IsPunctuation('!'): {0}", char.IsPunctuation('!'));
Object, Data type and char type functionality |
Parse Value from String Data:
This could be really useful to get data from input and convert to desirable format (e.g numerical), some example:
Console.WriteLine("########## Data type parsing ##########");
bool BoolData = bool.Parse("True");
Console.WriteLine("Value of BoolData: {0}", BoolData);
double DoubleData = double.Parse("99.884");
Console.WriteLine("Value of DoubleData: {0}", DoubleData);
int IntData = int.Parse("8");
Console.WriteLine("Value of IntData: {0}", IntData);
char CharData = Char.Parse("X");
Console.WriteLine("Value of CharData: {0}", CharData);
System.DateTime (date and time value) and System.TimeSpan (define and transform unit of time) are both types defined within System namespace which they don't have any C# keyword. Here is some example:
Data type parsing |
Console.WriteLine("########## Dates and Times ##########");
DateTime date = new DateTime(2012, 9, 30);//(year, month, day)
// What day of the month is this?
Console.WriteLine("The day of {0} is {1}", date.Date, date.DayOfWeek);
date = date.AddMonths(2); // Month is now November.
Console.WriteLine("Daylight savings: {0}", date.IsDaylightSavingTime());
TimeSpan time_span = new TimeSpan(4, 30, 0); // (hours, minutes, seconds)
Console.WriteLine(time_span.Subtract(new TimeSpan(0, 20, 0))); // Subtract 20 minutes
DataTime and TimeSpan |
One way to establish the massive numerical value as a text literal, which can be converted into a BigInteger variable through the static Parse() method or pass in a byte array directly to constructor. The data of BigInteger is immutable and you can not change the value after assign a value to it. However BigInteger class contains some methods which will return new BigInteger objects based on your data modifications (e.g. Multiply() method). Below there is an example to illustrate the BigInteger data type.
Console.WriteLine("#################### Use BigInteger #######################");
BigInteger bigg_integer = BigInteger.Parse("666666666666666666666666666666");
Console.WriteLine("bigg_integer is {0}", bigg_integer);
Console.WriteLine("bigg_integer is even?: {0}", bigg_integer.IsEven);
Console.WriteLine("bigg_integer is power of 2?: {0}", bigg_integer.IsPowerOfTwo);
BigInteger big_integer2 = BigInteger.Multiply(bigg_integer, BigInteger.Parse("33333333333333333333333333333"));
BigInteger big_integer3 = bigg_integer * big_integer2;
Console.WriteLine("bigg_integer2 is {0}", big_integer2);
Console.WriteLine("bigg_integer3 is {0}", big_integer3);BigInteger example Output |
Let's go through some useful members of System.String first:
- Length : returns length of the current string
- Compare(): compare two strings
- Contains(): determines whether a string contains a specific substring
- Equals(): determines whether two string objects contain identical character data
- Format(): static method which formats the string using other primitives
- Insert(): insert string within a given string
- PadLeft(): pad string with some character
- PadRight():
- Remove() : returns a copy of string with removed specified string
- Replace(): returns a copy of string with replaced specified string
- Split(): returns a String array containing the substrrings in this instance that are delimited by elements of a specified char array or string array.
- Trim(): removes all occurrences of a set of specified characters from beginning and end of string
- ToUpper(): create a copy of uppercase string
- ToLower(): create a copy of lowercase string
Console.WriteLine("############## String functionality #######################");
string my_string = "My String";
Console.WriteLine("my_string: {0}", my_string);
Console.WriteLine("my_string has {0} characters.", my_string.Length);
Console.WriteLine("my_string in UPPERCASE: {0}", my_string.ToUpper());
Console.WriteLine("my_string in LOWERCASE: {0}", my_string.ToLower());
Console.WriteLine("my_string contains the letter y?: {0}", my_string.Contains("y"));
Console.WriteLine("New my_string: {0}", my_string.Replace("St", ""));
String example output |
string s1 = "Hey ";
string s2 = "World";
string s3 = s1 + s2;//result: "Hey World"
string s4 = String.Concat(s1, s2);//result: "Hey World"
Qualify how the character data should be printed to the output stream. Each escape characters begins with a backslash followed by a specific token:
- \' : insert single quote
- \" : insert double quote
- \\ : insert backslash
- \a : Trigger system alert (beep)
- \n : Insert new line
- \r : Insert carriage return
- \t : Inset horizontal tab
Console.WriteLine("Escape Characters Example:\t \"C:\\Program\\MyCSharpBlog\"\a ");
//Escape Characters Example: "C:\Program\MyCSharpBlog\"
//and a system alert (beep)
Verbatim Strings:
When a string prefixed with @ symbol which disables the processing of a literal's Escape character and print out a string as is. Also preserve white spaces for strings that flow over multiple lines. In order to insert double quote into string using verbatim string you need to double " token
Console.WriteLine(@"Escape Characters Example: ""C:\Program\MyCSharpBlog""
Also preserve white space
more white space");
Verbatim String example output |
System.Text.StringBuilder Type:
By calling members of this type, you are directly modifying the object's internal character data which makes it more efficient. StringBuilder lives in System.Text, don't forget the use the "using System.Text;"
StringBuilder is only able to initially hold a string of 16 characters or fewer by default however it will expand automatically if necessary. The default starting value can be changed via an additional constructor argument.
Console.WriteLine("############# StringBuilder ##############");
// initial size of 512.
StringBuilder string_bilder = new StringBuilder("**** .NET4 ****", 512);
string_bilder.Replace("VB", "Silverlight");
Console.WriteLine("string_builder has {0} chars.", string_bilder.Length);
StringBuilder example output |
Data Type Conversions:
- Widening: an implicit upward cast that does not result in a loss of data. (e.g. store short to int)
- Narrowing: opposite of widening, in that a larger value is stored within a smaller data type variable (e.g.store int to short) , in such a case explicit casting is needed, otherwise you will encounter compile time error.
int int_num = 40000;
short short_num = (short)int_num;
Console.WriteLine("short_num = {0} ", short_num);
//Output: short_num = -25536
Checked keyword: with help of checked keyword CLI emits additional CIL instruction that test for overflow conditions. Runtime exception of System.OverflowException will receive if an overflow has occurred.
int int_num = 40000;
short short_num = 0;
short_num = checked((short)int_num);
Console.WriteLine("short_num = {0} ", short_num);
catch (OverflowException ex)
//Output: Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow.
Checked and Unchecked keyword is there to ensure data loss dose not escape undetected.
You may do following setting to check the overflow project wise, however keep in mind to disable the setting for final build of your application since it have some effect on runtime performance.
Set the flag via "project-properties-> Build -> Advanced...->Checked for arithmetic overflow/underflow"
Set Checked flag Project wide |
also used to widen or narrow data. System.Convert provides a language-natural manner to convert between types (e.g. C# is different from VB)
Implicitly Typed Local Variable: (var)
The var keyword can be used in place of specifying specific data type (such as int, bool, etc) and results in strongly typed data. When you do so compiler based on initial value infer the underlying data type. Hence it must be assigned a initial value at the exact time of declaration (can not initialized by null). Implicit typing applies only to local variables in a method or property scope. You are not allowed to use the var keyword to define return values, parameters, or field data of a custom type. Good to know we can't define nullable implicit variables. implicit typing is helpful in LINQ technology which use of query expression that can yield dynamically created result sets based on the format of the query itself. Here is a good example how var can be helpful...
int[] numbers_array = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 100, 200, 300, 600 };
var implicit_var = from i in numbers_array where i > 100 select i;
Console.Write("Values in implicit_var: ");
foreach (var element in implicit_var)
Console.Write("{0} ", element);
Console.WriteLine("implicit_var is : {0}", implicit_var.GetType().Name);
Console.WriteLine("implicit_var defined in: {0}", implicit_var.GetType().Namespace);
Implicit typed example output |
- for loop
- foreach/in loop
- while loop
- do/while loop
Reference: Pro C# 2010 and the .NET 4 Platform by Andrew Troelsen. |
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